Sunday, July 26, 2015

62nd Annual Allbritton Family Reunion

I know I am late to the party, so to speak, as this is only my second year to attend the family reunion in Tullos, but I sure did have a good time today visiting with all my Louisiana Kin. Sue does a great job getting it all together and there were cousins from as far away as  Pennsylvania and Arizona. It was also a 60th wedding anniversary for Maxine and Eddie Dearmon. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and I hope to see you next July!

 Double First Cousins - Aunt Mamie and Uncle Tim's 

1st Cousins

Verlin, Maxine and Elwyn

Clyde, Mary Jane and Leon

Happy 60th Anniversary!

Uncle Tim's Family

Mary Lou's Family

George Washington's Family

Oscar Doughty's Family

Mamie's Family

It was great fun! Thanks Sue for organizing the reunion and I hope to see everyone next year.

1 comment:

  1. Cindy, those are awesome photos! So good of you to put them online for all the extended family to see. Hopefully, more of our family ( Mary Lou's) can attend next year, along with some of Winnie's family!
