Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October Birthdays 2015

I love fall! There are so many great things that happen once we pass that autumnal equinox. The unrelenting heat begins to dissipate and it cools down to 85 degrees, which is the same as chili weather. All of our friends who travel send great photos of fall foliage, and the impending hunting season gives us something to plan for. But, as always, our first event each fall is a family gathering celebrating October birthdays.

2015 is a banner year for many in our family.  Janie Lou, our Matriarch, celebrates her 75th birthday first, then comes Michael Joseph with his 55th. Jennifer and Nikki are still of an age, between 21 and 39, when we don't tell our age, so don't ask. My Janie Girl is very excited to be turning 21 and will not be unhappy if I share this info. Will Westling celebrates his 6th birthday up in New York where the leaves are turning golden. And Miss Evie is 4!!

Thanks to our family who came to celebrate with us. The Spell's came from Orange and brought Aunt Phyllis to spend the day. The Keys were here (most of them - missing our Tina and family), the Hardys, Kevin and Susan, the Kregers and the Ellisor family with all their sweet babies; Deedle, Doodle, and Dixie (D3) were all with us, as well as Tick (sadly, no Bub). Call and Justin came from college to see their Nana; George Gee stopped by to say hi and we had a very special guest, Connor Lewis, who brought his snow cone truck! As Kevin said, it was a most excellent party. Thanks to Kevin and Susan for sharing their pictures - if you have some you want in the blog just email it to me.

October Birthday Party-Goers

Momma and Max 

He is still!
Happy 21st! A great gift from Aunt Kerry. 
Bill and Mary.  Bill is happy - really. 

Matt working on the Lite Brite

Kyle and baby  Maxwell - his first birthday party appearance!

Deedle snuggling Max. 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Krick Family Photos

Kevin has the official photos, but I managed to get some great shots. How could I not with such a beautiful family? We took our official family photo yesterday; the last one we took was 20 years ago. The next photo shoot will feature Maxwell Lucas or Lucas Maxwell Ellisor - we'll know in August when he arrives which name is chosen. After the pictures, we celebrated July birthdays - Kristy, Kevin, Susan, James, and Calvin. We all had a great time. I look forward to seeing Kevin's pictures - hope you all enjoy these snapshots!

J and Em

Nana and her handsome grandsons

J and Mary

Kerry and Bill

Calvin wants down!

He is the cutest little thing and took some  persuading to stand still for the grands and greats pics!

Mom and Will


Em and Will

Recreating the old picture was fun, we think we'll do it every decade! I think we took this picture around 2005. Does anyone know exactly when? 

These cousins have had such fun growing up together!

Mom with Kris, Em and Nikki

My Janies! 

The Brodericks - how do my bangs look? 

Miss Evie loves her Uncle Justin's boots

Happy Birthday! Calvin is sleeping.....

62nd Annual Allbritton Family Reunion

I know I am late to the party, so to speak, as this is only my second year to attend the family reunion in Tullos, but I sure did have a good time today visiting with all my Louisiana Kin. Sue does a great job getting it all together and there were cousins from as far away as  Pennsylvania and Arizona. It was also a 60th wedding anniversary for Maxine and Eddie Dearmon. I hope everyone enjoys the pictures and I hope to see you next July!

 Double First Cousins - Aunt Mamie and Uncle Tim's 

1st Cousins

Verlin, Maxine and Elwyn

Clyde, Mary Jane and Leon

Happy 60th Anniversary!

Uncle Tim's Family

Mary Lou's Family

George Washington's Family

Oscar Doughty's Family

Mamie's Family

It was great fun! Thanks Sue for organizing the reunion and I hope to see everyone next year.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Call's 19th Birthday

Call had a birthday and all we got was this one picture. Not a picture of the delicious cake his Momma made  him, not a picture of his guests joining us for a fabulous dinner his Dad made; Savannah and Connor enjoyed the steak and baked potatoes. Aunt Kristy and Uncle Ro came for birthday cake and Janie Girl was here to help us sing "Happy Birthday to You". I didn't get a picture of his presents, or the cards from the people who love him. But, I did get a great picture of Call in his "hippie phase". Everyone needs to be a hippie once, and his long, curly locks and bearded face make me smile. He loves the freedom of college, but I am so happy to say, he still loves to come home and spend time with his Momma. No one will ever love you like your Momma. 

The Girls Sewing Weekend in the Woods

     We had such a great time on our sewing retreat at the farm this weekend. Dad came along to make sure we were safe and see that we spent our time wisely - he also made us delicious breakfasts both mornings we were here. We spent our time finishing projects that just needed a little time and devotion. We started off the weekend on Friday evening, with all the sewing machines set up and fabric, rotary cutters and mats out.
Jeanie and Mom
Janie Lou

     On Saturday morning, we had breakfast on the veranda and a surprise visitor. It was a beautiful day with a breeze blowing. We were able to enjoy the nice day and took a walk in the afternoon, gathering petrified wood for our rock garden and enjoyed naming trees and flowers. That last sentence makes us sound like complete nerds, coupled with the fact that we are sewing, but, it is what it is. We like flowers and trees and sewing. And, in the event of an apocalyptic event, we are a good bet for survival!

Look at that pencil cactus

The surprise visitor - Brother Bill. 

Another treat later in the day when Janie Girl showed up to represent a third generation of seamstresses (we miss you, JennyTinaMary and Em!)

Janie is coaching a summer league swim team and sorted ribbons for her swimmers from Saturday's meet. 

Saturday  night, we enjoyed a rousing game of Scrabble (nerds) and were pleasantly surprised when Janie Girl beat us all with a bingo and another 57-point word. She also went out first and got all our points in our hands. We kept the scorecard, as we keep all scorecards, for proof  in the coming years. Scrabble is a family tradition and is always accompanied by stories of Aunt Connie and Aunt Winnie and how great they were at the game and how missed and loved they are. 

Finally, the results of our weekend. Look at the pictures and you can see if we were working on a project for you!

Steph's tee-shirt quilt...

Cindy and Jeanie's completed blocks for our block of the month quilt...

Calvin's Christmas stocking and tee shirts cut up for Janie's tee shirt quilt...

Tee shirts and caps for Cade's quilt and blue jean blocks for Nikki's. 

Things we did not work on that are top on our list for the July gathering 1) the COOKBOOK! 2) Call's quilt 3) 17-year-old cross stitch project 4) Evie's stocking... This list is endless. You should join us!