Mom, please feel free to correct or add any details I have missed.
Granny is in the middle with Aunt Hattie Lucinda Nugent Allbritton ( married to Uncle Tim) on her right and Aunt Mamie on her left.
Granny and PawPaw, circa 1974
Aunt Mamie and Aunt Babe. Babe, or Minnie Olevia, died in 1938.
Aunt Martha, Granny and Aunt Mamie
Mary Jane Doughty Allbritton. We have her to thank for our Mayflower ancestry.
Mary, Martha, and Mamie.
Uncle Beamie and Uncle Vernon. Does anyone know why we call him that?
The Spell family with Granny and PawPaw.
I'll save the cousins school photos for another post. My goodness, there are a bunch of us.